Tuesday, March 10, 2009

death is life in a counter culture like mine

if the future moves forward I'm back a couple decades
I'm now relieving myself of my car and soon
some of my most prized possessions,
my underground hip hop tapes.
a nerdy collection of people's music
no one ever heard except a couple thoundsand people.

I have no income

I have no future

I'm either planning to move back to the Midwest
as i found my parents will be foreclosing on their home
and moving to Iowa...
I feel a great need to help them or
if a miracle happens I can stay here and work a job, but those
dreams are steadily fading...
I'm no more than a drum beat away
losing all my possessions
and becoming a roaming monk.
a lost soul
a mystic man with no home land

woe woe to you

she has fallen.

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