Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the night that highschool ended

Barry wasn't liked in the community.he had bright orange hair and would always say things like
" good day to ya Miss-s-es tit"
_______young fellow_________________never bothered anyone, except miss tit. She was a tall red headed prude that would put her reading glasses on and examine Barry's hair in the morning before he was off to high school, Barry couldn't wait to leave high school so today was very special to him it was graduation the day that symbolized his freedom from the clutches of oppression and his mother, Barry had a nose the size of a deluxe can opener

_____________FUCKIN' HUGE__________________________________
everyone knew he was a brown nose to the science teacher and the gym coach
so every morning on his way to School the neighborhood kids
Stevie and Samuel would shit on his lunch pale and tell Barry that he was still being
breast fed by miss tit.

Barry eventually went to the mental hospital in the 11Th grade for a field trip
for psychology class. lolly use to sit behind him and laugh at all his imaginary jokes he'd whisper, "why did the moon cross the sky? see moonlight..."
a little chuckle would appear, Barry's nose would blush as Cindy would sit parallel to his lap; on good day you could see up her skirt. Barry went to church on Sundays and soaked communion bread into his grape juice and linger around the nursery
b/c he said
"it has the scent of God and purity."
________________he had little friends w/ bible verses and the
one time he swore he saw an angel, was in a camp sleep over after a bible story about a slave turned ruler. the magic he once saw on Sunday mornings left him after his beloved nanny passed away he knew that God made some kind of bargain with someone for mortality...

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