Monday, March 2, 2009

if i was simple, you'd need not tell me

nothing is like the sky
nothing is plain blue like my eyes

if I'm simple you need not tell me.

if long walks to gather my peace
would suffice then my feet would never stop
stepping in line

if I'm simple you need not tell me.

the same cereal in the mornings
make me boring
you need not tell me

the TV always on
makes one dull
you need not tell me

if the only book
you've read is the bible
you need not tell me

if the only simple thing we do
is die

need not remind the deceased
awake the living.

if we are simple, you need not tell us.

if aspirations makes you travel far away
would not the dying longing of heart disappear?

if I'm simple you need not tell me.

if I long for her and she
stands firm in not wanting me
you need not tell me

a flower looks simple from a distant
but until your nose sniffs
and the smell opens up your eyes
then you need not tell me.

I too, was once simple in scope and complex
at length, but when you approach me gentle

then you to can smell my rose
and find the budding of my soul.

if you never change your dream and rot in poverty
the beauty will only be seen from those
that wish to smell

if I'm simple, you need not tell me.

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